5 Training And Development Trends To Follow In 2021

We have seen an upliftment in working remotely and the trend towards distance learning is on the rise. It is expected to have new web applications in the market in the year 2021 which are inclined towards training and development. 

It is observed that the year 2020 was more of corporate training trends and it is mandatory to get trained to match the pace at the workplace. As we are about to end the first quarter of 2021 few technology trends will remain and new learning technologies will look forward. 

With the advent of technology, multinational companies are shifting towards technological and analytical tools for better efficiency and to maintain better communication at work. It is observed that digital learning is overpowering corporate training compared to last year. 

Moving ahead with the training and development trends go through five mentioned trends in the year 2021 & beyond. 

  • Acquiring Training for Analytics & Data: As more associations begin to outfit the force of information, reports, and investigation to plan and execute compelling preparing and improvement programs, it’s a slam dunk that the learning examination will be something greater this coming 2021. In reality, a few associations are currently attempting to make information stories. Basically, information narrating includes making a story around a bunch of information or examination with visuals to help pass on the significance of that information in a drawing in a way.


  • Acquiring Knowledge for Data: It is really useful for your employees to gain training in data analytics and big data. This helps them to interpret data correctly and analyze it to the best. So individuals who are capable enough to interpret data effectively and showcase it to the respective stakeholders will prove to be an asset to their organization. The majority of organizations are using Google Sheet as the data literacy tool available for free & is user friendly. 


  • Artificial Intelligence-based Learning System: For a long-time, we have observed that Artificial Intelligence has been on the top of the town and is a unique field of study. It is useful for business, economy, psychology and better business communication. One should agree to the fact that it is going to be the next huge thing this year and in the future. These days training and development in the organization is quite personalized. And AI has the power to make it engaging and relevant to people’s on-going job, interest and learning methodology.
  • Use of Social Media for Learning:
    In the earlier days, corporate training had to include a session on social earning at work as conveyed by industry leaders. But it is observed that the majority of teams are communicating in different corners and would like to socialize on online social apps. It is even possible to adapt social learning which can take place virtually. It is possible through the power of social media. Due to millennials and Gen-Z individuals at the workplace, the use of Social Media is getting traction for a better workplace environment and employee training. 
  • Collaborate and Communicate Effectively: 


To conclude we can say that the year 2021 is again full of challenges and it can be empowered through technology. Considering the trend toward remote working environments the need for employee training virtually is the need of an hour. To match up the pace with the existing organization set-up it is crucial technological trends can help to make or break the success of it. For such latest industry updates keep reading training and development blogs written by experts.