Different Ways To Enhance User Interface Design For E-learning in 2023

Summary – Predictable design, short tutorials or explainer videos, improved scannability and readability, and clues about the next step are necessary for a user-friendly user interface design.  


A good interface design helps boost user experience, engagement, and retention. A poorly developed user interface frustrates the user and affects their learning process. The user may take longer to learn how to use the interface than to learn the lessons. Since you have already put much thought into e-learning, here are the top tips to help you reexamine and modify your user interface design and make it more user-friendly. Check out our UI UX Design Course Online for more information. 


1.  Short tutorials for first time log in users 


Many first-time users may need to learn how to use the interface. And the majority of them may have never taken any online courses before. A quick walk-through video or a short tutorial assists in orienting first-time users to your e-learning platform and answering many of their questions and concerns.  


A short video tutorial that introduces every new user interface design course and functions like the first quiz and new forum. Not all users need tutorials, but the ones who do will find them very helpful. 


2. Predictable design of the user interface 


Predictable features are the most critical aspect of an engaging user interface design. The user will most likely click over something when they know what will happen next. They are more likely to stop clicking on any indication if they don’t know where it will take them. So, the user interface must be easy to understand and use, and it shouldn’t throw any surprises at the user.  


Make the user interface as simple and predictable as possible to attract more first-time users to your online platform. 


3. Make certain of the next step 


No one likes to go into unknown territory, and the same is the case with your first-time users. Users should not wonder “what next” or “what now.” Therefore, you must mention your next steps to accomplish the desired objective. Poorly depicted steps and vague tasks often discourage users, increasing your bounce rate.  


When the learner or the user nears the end of a particular lesson, the interface should have good visual indicators of what they need to do next. And the next step should lead the learner to the desired goal, such as a new lesson or a quiz exercise.  


The UI UX Design Course Online teaches how to create well-defined steps for user navigation that build user engagement and enhance the user experience, resulting in better user reviews and more users on the forum.  


4. Proper clues to users on how to interact with the platform 


The best user interface design is one that automatically indicates its usage. For instance, the call-to-action buttons must look like clickable buttons; by merely viewing the controls, the user should get the information it needs to click.  


An excellent user interface has to provide users with subconscious information on interacting with and navigating the interface. This strategy will help you get your users more involved and give them a better experience.  


5. Improve scannability by breaking the monotony 


Monotonous design can often result in reader fatigue. Therefore, you must leave adequate spaces between your paragraphs and vary your sentence lengths. Include headers and subheadings wherever possible. Even subtle pull quotes, text blocks and relevant images could help with page break-up.  


Evenly placed visuals make the content easy to scan for the user and increase memory retention. An average user follows the “F” pattern when browsing the page; they first read the headlines and straightaway scan down the pages, pausing at subheadings, bold text, and bullet pointers. If they find these fascinating, they move back to the top of the page and start reading the content thoroughly. The reading process provides the user with a sense of what the lesson is about, what it will cover, and the lesson’s takeaways. This process helps the organisation retain and engage the user and offer optimum lesson information. 


Resource Box – Information Technology Learning Hub (ITLH) offers the best UI UX design courses online for students who want to pursue careers in the IT industry. The courses are thoughtfully designed to meet modern technology requirements and make the student job ready. To know more about the UX/UI design course online, you must visit ITLH today.