10 Most Important Tech Skills To Master In Future (2019)

Tech Skills To Master In 2019

The world of technology is ever-evolving. With the rapid progress made by science every day, the world of technology is also undergoing regular changes. As a result, anyone interested in making a career in the field of technology or looking to shift from another job profile into a tech-based portfolio, it is essential to learn the latest tech skills. As the scope for growth in technology related careers is unlimited, it could be a good decision for you to consider trying out your luck in this field. But before you make the switch, it is important that you acquire some of the most important tech skills of the present times.

Here are 10 of the most important tech skills in 2019 that you must have an understanding about: –

• Machine Learning: – It is also known as artificial intelligence wherein you train a software or program to think and act like a human being. It is finding wide applications across multiple industries and offers great scope for growth in the future.

• Mobile App Development: – With the rising number of smartphone users across the world, the scope for mobile app development has grown manifolds. You can learn to create apps for iOS and Android devices and make a great living.

• SEO: – As more and more internet users are looking for information regarding their requirements online, companies are striving to grab their attention. You can learn and use SEO to help businesses reach the most coveted first page of google search result.

• Data Visualisation: – Companies are looking for innovative ways to present relevant data to users in an easy to understand manner. By learning data visualization techniques, you can land yourself a plush job very easily.

• Data Engineering: – Data engineers are the lifeline of any data-driven business as they help build the framework on which data visualizers conduct their work. It is a highly sought after skill in present times.

• Cybersecurity: – With the rising instances of cybercrimes such as phishing and identity theft, there is a great demand for cybersecurity experts who can protect the websites against such attacks. It is one of the most rewarding careers in present times.

• Cloud Computing: – Gone are the days of installing physical on-premise servers to manage and store essential data. Cloud computing experts are highly sought after by companies looking to make their operations more efficient.

• Blockchain: – Blockchain is being touted as the next big thing in the tech world. The superior level of security it offers as well as the reduction in time for completing transactions is its biggest draws. In the coming years, blockchain developers are going to be in great demand.

• Internet of Things: – More and more devices are now able to “talk” with each other by connecting to the internet. This has opened up a world of possibilities for consumer application of IoT. You can acquire the IoT skills if you are looking for a high paying career.

• Extended Reality: – It is the combination of Virtual reality and Augmented reality. Extended reality has found applications in various industries including insurance, healthcare, travel etc. You can create a nice career in this field by acquiring the requisite skills.

By learning any of these tech skills in 2019, you can give your career a big boost and achieve your professional goals in a quick and efficient manner.